Eladó teremgarázs Budapest Teve... 7 500 000 Ft
Raktár kiadó360 000 Ft
Pécelen 6.951 m2 földterület el... 9 900 000 Ft
acreage, agricultural landEgyéb
Külterületi szántó eladó 1 500 000 Ft
acreage, agricultural landMogyoród
Eladó erkélyes lakás kastélyra... 49 500 000 Ft
Eladó építési telek 38 900 000 Ft
homesite and lotSzada


acreage, agricultural land


residential home



homesite and lot

Lipcsey Estate Agency

The Lipcsey Estate Agency was established to do its job on the highest level, with the professional experience that we have gained since 1993.

Our company's main activity is trading estates and condos. We also offer banking services (giving credit to customers).

We deal with houses mainly in Gödöllö, Szada, Mogyoród and Szilasliget. Currently we offer 500 estates in 33 towns. In our office you can quickly arrange your estate deals in pleasant conditions. Our work made us famous for its safety and responsibility, with the full scale service in the focus.

Our company enjoys a high reputation, our customers come back to us with good memories. It means great efficiency to us.

Thank you, for considering the Lipcsey Real Estate Agency! 


The Lipcsey estate agency was established to do its job on the highest level, with the professional experience that we have gained since 1993.

Our company's main activity is trading estates and condos. We also offer banking services (giving credit to customers).

We deal with houses mainly in Gödöllö, Szada, Mogyoród and Szilasliget. Currently we offer 500 estates in 33 towns. In our office you can quickly arrange your estate deals in pleasant conditions. Our work made us famous for its safety and responsibility, with the full scale service in the focus.

Our company enjoys a high reputation, our customers come back to us with good memories. It means great efficiency to us.

Thank you, for considering the Lipcsey Real Estate Agency!